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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Five-Figure Percent Based Planning CourseIn Rerum Aperiam Quibusdam$279
  • Total payment
  • 1xPercent Planning Course$279

All prices in USD

What's Included in This Course? 

Breaking down the options of charging a percent

  •  Percent only fee 
  •  Hybrid model

Steps to Selling a Percent Based Planning Fee

  •  Our six steps to selling the percent based planning fee 
  •  Selling percent based planning consult video Williamsburg Wedding Guide Video- What they get before the consult 
  • Our exact email follow up after the consultation with an email template for you to copy and edit

Booking & Making Sure your Contract is on Lockdown 

  •  A contract video walkthrough of what we include
  • 3 clauses that you can copy and paste into your contract

Creating the Initial Estimated 

  • Budget 20 minute video walking you through the budget & design process for the clients initial estimated budget 
  •  A PDF copy of our design & vendor budget questionnaire that we use

Budget Tracking During the Planning Process 

  •  3 Sticky Situations and scenarios and how you can work through them too

REAL Budget Conversations 

  • Video walkthroughs of 4 different budget reviews with clients throughout the wedding planning process, so you can understand how you can budget track throughout the planning process

Full Video access to our Coaching Call with other planners about percent based planning 

  •  The actual recording of our coaching session with other planners where we answer their questions and review the entire process of percent based planning


  •  Access to our take away guide for percent based planning
  •  Discount codes for Aisle Planner and our CRM system
